Held in the body, flung through the air, or drawn from the soil. What if art is action made solid?
Sanné Mestrom, TarraWarra Biennial: From Will to Form, 2018.
Installation view, TarraWarra Museum of Art, Victoria. Courtesy the artist and TarraWarra Museum of Art.
Sanné Mestrom, TarraWarra Biennial: From Will to Form, 2018.
Installation view, TarraWarra Museum of Art, Victoria. Courtesy the artist and TarraWarra Museum of Art.
Sanné Mestrom, TarraWarra Biennial: From Will to Form, 2018.
Installation view, TarraWarra Museum of Art, Victoria. Courtesy the artist and TarraWarra Museum of Art.
Sanné Mestrom, TarraWarra Biennial: From Will to Form, 2018.
Installation view, TarraWarra Museum of Art, Victoria. Courtesy the artist and TarraWarra Museum of Art.
Hiromi Tango, TarraWarra Biennial: From Will to Form, 2018.
Installation view, TarraWarra Museum of Art, Victoria. Courtesy the artist and TarraWarra Museum of Art.
Held in the body, flung through the air, or drawn from the soil. What if art is action made solid?
From throwing liquid bronze to whistling for three days straight, the TarraWarra Biennial 2018: From Will to Form considers how the wild, intangible forces that animate behaviour might be present within an artwork.
For the sixth TarraWarra Biennial, 23 artists and one artist group from across Australia present anarchic and persistent energies in a range of sculpture, painting, performance and film works. For some artists, will is drawn from a relationship to country and earth, while for others it is channeled through the psyche. Other artists highlight the role of the body as either a conduit for, or a concealer of, wilful forces.
Established in 2006 as a platform for identifying new contemporary and cutting-edge work, the TarraWarra Biennial has become a major forum for artistic expression in Australia.
Curated by Emily Cormack.
Sullivan+Strumpf acknowledge the Indigenous People of this land, the traditional custodians on whose Country we work, live and learn. We pay respect to Elders, past and present, and recognise their continued connection to culture, land, waters and community.